Finding Her Ring Size

Finding Her Ring Size

We know it can be a hard ask to figure out her ring size, without giving away your well planned surprise. Specialising in bespoke engagement rings, many of our customers ask us about tips and ways to find an accurate ring size but the truth is that it is not always an easy task!

We’ve compiled a guide of our best tips for your reference, which will help you to find her ring size accurately - without spoiling the surprise. 

Don't Rush

Keeping a secret is hard enough, and something like this needs a calm and composed conduct. Subtle hints from jewellery billboard ads or talking about another friend’s ring choices are good places to start the conversation. Don’t be surprised if she gives you her size and design preferences as well. Constant repetition might provide an opportunity of spotting you out, so be very cautious.

Ring Tracing

Sneaking around her jewellery box might give you the answers you’re looking for. Remember to find a ring she wears occasionally, that fits her left ring finger so you have a perfect fit. Take a pencil and trace the ring from inside on a sheet of paper. Repeat this at least 3-4 times to get an accurate drawing for the diameter.

Once you have an accurately traced circle, then using our ring measurement guide, you’ll easily be able to pick out her size.

Request A Sizer

Feeling a bit insecure with your conclusions, we could send you a complimentary ring sizer for your convenience and assurance. Work around the story of a dummy ring, perhaps one for your mother or sister and ask her for help with determining their size. Being subtle is important so she doesn’t figure out your plan.

Ask For Help

A woman’s girlfriends would generally have a list of details ready, waiting for you to just ask. Not only size, but styles and colour stone choices could also be part of their long list.

Recruit A Spy

Seeking help from a friend to subtly get her accurate size might be your best bet.

Try Your Local Jeweller

If you can come up with a great story and get your partner’s fingers professionally measured at one of the mall jewellers, then it would make sizing a lot more accurate for your special moment.

Just Ask

Although we are now moving away from the surprise, asking her for her ring size might have been just what she was waiting for. Letting her choose a ring matching her style and personality coupled with the correct size is perhaps the trend modern day couples are moving towards.

From what we have heard from customers, a convincing story and a confident approach is all you need to find her ring size.